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RS/BS: An Open Letter from Red State/Blue State to Readers

The following is a list of Pro's & Con's from a moderate leaning Democrat who didn't vote for Trump. The purpose of this blog is to be able to state opinions that are contrary to the norm. Even within the Democratic Party base and platform, there's plenty to criticize. And friends on the Right also concede that their party leaders have not been honest or scrupulously geared towards doing what is right for the American People at all times. Their own petty party interests have too often intervened on both sides of the aisle. And now we have been gifted with a President Donald Trump. It's not a scenario I would have envisioned to solve the many massive problems that we face in our American Democracy. But there it is. We are saddled with Trump for four years. Here's a short list of the Pro's & Con's from the viewpoint of the loyal opposition:

The Pro's

Some of Trump's Policies are ones that Dems agree with- Infrastructure Spending is sorely needed to help put people back to work

"Drain the Swamp" is the cry from his supporters and his camp. If this is true, he would not necessarily fill his cabinet with career politicians or give cushy appointments to his loyal donors. We shall see…

Campaign Finance Reform: Is what the Dems have called for and the problem of dark money has been pointed out by most of our party leaders, including the President. Citizens United was the Supreme Court bill that gave way to much of the super PAC and dark money in the past six years. And the wave of GOP victories is striking in contrast with this decision. So the question remains, what, if anything, will Trump do about the problem?

Trade should be Fair: Instead of indulging in some fantasy Trade War that will end in causing the dollar and all worldwide economies to tank, Trump should work with Dems to devise a Free and Fair Trade Provision for the U.S

Middle class jobs protected: Hillary Clinton had also campaigned (and won the Popular Vote) on the idea of having a representative to not only work within the depressed regions of the Rust Belt-which she lost-but also to oversee the penalties imposed on all US Companies that move their businesses overseas….that was her idea and it 's still a good one. She had thrown out the name of Bill Clinton, but some envoy with familiarity to be able to go into the areas where the economy was devastated and impacted the hardest should work-like a Jobs Tsar- would to be able to fast-track jobs bills that could possibly bring jobs to the depressed areas through tax incentives, plus use some job re-training also to re-tool the economy.

Reining in Corporate Greed: This is something that a skeptical public will wait and see if Trump has the stomach to implement. The Bernie Brigade and his voters would like to see checks and balances on CEO's and unchecked wealth for Corporate big-wig's who have golden parachutes and insider deals yet slash the payrolls and implement huge cutbacks while working to send jobs overseas and enhance their own bank accounts.

Excesses on Wall Street: In the same vein, the excess that caused the 2008 crash has never been adequately addressed, and the voting public has decided to go with the change candidate who made a lot of promises. Cronyism and a revolving door for lobbyists would not be part of what they signed up for with Trump, so this is something that would be a welcome advance if he was willing to wage a fight a la Teddy Roosevelt against his own class.

Foreign Policy: Ending the Iraq War, and the miscalculations and mistakes, as well as outright lies, is one point of agreement between Trump and the Left.

The Cons

Trump on Immigration Reform: While Barack Obama pushed the bill that passed the Senate with bi-partisan votes, then was left to die in John Boehner's House. Now this idea of building a wall had a massive groundswell from Trump's zealots. Not only is this an unworkable and divisive plan, it's not any kind of a long-term solution to Immigration Reform and Border Control. Trump needs to get real and so do the people who believe that deporting 11 million undocumented workers is at all a viable idea.

Stop & Frisk: Trump's tough talk on Policing and the needs of inner city minorities, plus the wave of violence against police and directed at African-Americans is something that will ultimately split the nation in two and lead to more rioting and violence.

Jingoism: The tough talk and unrealistic machismo behavior with the bullying attitude was found in abundance at Trump rallies. If he plans to do nothing but go around the country on an endless loop of victory tours while he gins up his volatile base, he will fail.

Racism & Sexism: Rampant throughout his campaign was racist overtones and sexist behavior from Trump and from his supporters. This needs to be addressed and nipped in the bud from day one. If he does nothing to denounce this talk, there will be trouble.

Tax cuts for the Wealthy: This is the Republican dogma, and has served them well since Reagan's days. It's unrealistic, in this time where economic inequality is rampant, to think that the same old solution of cutting taxes is going to do anything to help the working class. If there is no viable plan for a minimum wage hike or college affordability, then Trump is doomed from the start.

Climate Change Denial: We don't even believe that most GOP lawmakers believe what they say behind closed doors. There is no debate about Gravity, the Theory of Relativity, and there's no real debate anymore about the fact that Climate Change is real and man-made.

Militarism  & Expansion of military spending plus a spreading global footprint: We have the largest military in the world, seen as a rather progressive and benevolent force for change and for good and for keeping order and world peace. If Trump does decide to go in a completely different direction with the military, there may be a revolt of some kind, certainly from the colleges & Universities, as well as most major cities. This is not what people signed up for when they voted for change, we're pretty sure. Let's hope no one has to find out. A weak and ineffective President is one thing, but a power-mad dictator who tries to seize control of the military is something we haven't seen in our history. 

Russian Policy: It may be a matter of time before the "bro-mance" between these two ego-maniacs-Putin & Trump- comes to an end. Meanwhile, no one knows what the ties are that Trump actually has with Russian oligarchs and shady characters. Stay tuned.

Foreign Aid: Foreign Policy: This would include the United Nations, our alliances within NATO, our support around the world for victims of natural disasters, and many other relationships may be tested by Trump's ego and his insistence on his ability to "make deals". Time will tell if this translates into progress. We are skeptical at best.

Nuclear Proliferation: This, and the afore-mentioned idea of leaving NATO, is just one more part, a highly significant part of the complex list of entanglements that will continue with Trump as Commander in Chief.

Time will tell is the mantra for most of this list. But Trump's business deals, his failure to reveal his taxes and his insistence on allowing his children to take over his company all mean that the Press will and should continue to badger him and to insist on transparency from someone who is about to assume the mantle of the highest office in the land.


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