Well we heard a lot about the angry white voters. But when you saw the Hillary supporters, they looked like they were walking on air. And after the shock has worn off, it's fair to say that now everyone is pissed. The angry white voters are still angry, and will be angrier still when they find out that the guy they voted for is a big wind bag full of hot air who is likely to implode at any time. But now, the other half of the country is equally angry. They feel the system is rigged. The FBI interfered in the Election, and the federal government did nothing to stop it. The KGB and Russian operatives worked for Trump and nobody lifted a finger or barely said a word of outrage because it helped the GOP.
And now the right wing machine controls everything. The Revolution that Bernie talked of, in some ways a metaphorical one, seemed to be perhaps inevitable, but avoidable in the short term. Now it's not looking that way. The media reports this is the sixth/seventh/eighth….day of riots and marches. It will soon grow into a daily litany of cities and towns taking to the streets. By the time the Inaugural rolls around, and then the legislation starts hitting, we are going to see more action from concerned citizens all across the country.
This has unleashed a Pandora's box of discontent and with Trump at the helm, there really is no chance for healing. He represents so much of the divisive hate and overheated rhetoric that has come to symbolize his campaign. It's not hard to understand the phrase angry voters. But now, we are united in our anger and our pain and our rage. It's not white rage, or black rage, but American rage and unfortunately, we have only begun to see how far the anger and the hurt and the fear can go.
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