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Progressives of the World Unite!... Some of Thomas Paine's Common Sense Ideas going forward

We can't throw the baby out with the bathwater after this election. Those who haven't done so, please go to and find out what kind of programs the Democratic Party and Progressives have been pushing for the past twenty or thirty years. There is an amazing array of 21st Century ideas to choose from going forward. Having said that, we are well aware that there has been a Tsunami and the shake up from the ground level up has been severe in Democratic Leadership circles. But as we well know, the grass roots are the most vital places to begin as we move forward.

And here's where we go Bold. But don't make the mistake of dropping the core values and key policy plans that Clinton and others worked decades to build. We know that Donald Trump was a marketing expert. He has little other expertise other than a propensity to get his name in front of the media and a good ear for telling people what they want to hear. Hence, you can fool most of the people some of the time. But as noted earlier, now the bill is due, and Trump will fall flat on his face in some aspects of this massive scheme of proposed Utopian greatness that he has pitched to the masses. Therefore, there is an opening for the right message at the right time.

In deference to the marketing and mass media spin that is part of the New World Order we are combating, here's the pitch. Here's where we go bold:

1) ER: The ENERGY REVOLUTION of the 21st Century- more solar, more energy, more jobs, more Science, more Education and more Innovation. This is the path to Tomorrowland. The catch phrase is: ER = Energy Revolution.

2) EPI: ENDING POVERTY INITIATIVES: Poverty & Homelessness are still the issues that only the Democratic Party has ever tackled in a credible way. Grab the initiative immediately. We stand for the path forward and the shining city on the hill. The key words are Education, Compassion, and Job Programs. The pitch is: EPI = Ending Poverty Initiatives.

3) POET: PEACE ON EARTH TIME: The Democratic Party has got to take the lead to aggressively push for PEACE initiatives. That means nuclear proliferation treaties, leading the world in keeping the peace, remaining the beacon of hope and freedom, and regaining our standing in the world (MAKE AMERICA PROUD AGAIN). Dennis Kucinich promoted a Department of Peace, and if we pushed to have a cabinet level position that promoted keeping the peace, it would be in keeping with who we are. And definitely we will include GUN REGULATIONS that make sense-background checks, keeping guns out of the hands of Terrorists, and a ban on military style assault weapons for the civilian population. Keyword is POET = Peace on Earth Time.

4) ROOT: RACISM OUT OF TIME: This is so important for this era. We need to fight vigorously and aggressively against all forms of racist and hate speech, to promote the Voting Rights Act for all Americans, to campaign against Mass Incarceration and Privatization of Prisons, and to keep fighting for Comprehensive Immigration Reform! Pitch is ROOT = Racism out of Time.

5) PPP: PEOPLE POWER PRODUCTIVITY: This is simple. The Jobs programs we have laid out in the platform and from Mrs. Clinton are still a huge part of this equation. It's the Economy, Stupid. So the fight for fifteen-a minimum wage hike- and continued emphasis on income inequality that is still rampant plus Campaign Finance Reform-Dark money and Citizens United -which has given us the domination of the right both in local and in national elections for the past six years has got to be brought to light. The checks on Wall Street, plus the Dodd-Frank bill along with the Consumer Protection Agency will give the Democratic party the perfect message to tell the middle class who still feel alienated that we're their champions and the focus is on the little guy! Not the millionaires and billionaires that are going to be a big part of the coming administration and the ones that stand to benefit from their tax cuts. Pitch is PPP = People Power Productivity.

There should be no rose colored glasses given out with this roadmap. The path is steep and the way forward is dark and treacherous. But if we are to believe that America's best days are ahead of us, that we really are stronger together, and that we will be able to fight for what we truly believe in, which is a United America with a chance for prosperity that is still seen as a beacon of hope for the world, then we must fight the darkness. This has been an awful setback for our cause, but we have seen darker days. And if those who truly feel they can make a difference actually get out and fight to make it happen, then it will.

The time for action is now. Get off the couch. Volunteer. Find where the local groups meet and when the next rally is planned. Trump is gearing up in the first 100 days to push through some incredibly harsh legislation that will hurt men and women and children throughout this nation. We must mobilize and if necessary, march peacefully in protest and rally in support of our leaders. Our leaders are still people like Barrack Obama, who is a shining example for all, and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, and yes, still Hillary Clinton, who will be remembered in history as the first woman nominee of a major party and a woman who came so close to being our first female President. We may have to smash that glass ceiling by standing on each other's shoulders, but smash it we will.


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