If someone waking from a deep freeze just saw that tape where Trump was bragging off the record about the way he treated women, grabbing them by the crotch because they "let you do it", it would seem that so many red flags are raised that they would immediately conclude it as disqualifying for any candidate for higher office. It goes without saying that women are not objects, or something lesser to be grabbed and treated as toys or groped simply because someone believes themselves immune from the rules of polite society, an ethical code of conduct or common human decency. It was obvious that Trump couldn't handle even the small amount of power that is bestowed on a Hollywood TV Reality star. Why would anyone think that this person could handle the immense power and pressure that the highest office in the land entails?
That does say something about the voters. Voters didn't vote simply for change, they voted for the strong man who didn't just fall to the top of that mountain. They were asking for it. And they will get it. Someone who defies not just conventional mores and norms, ethics and codes of conduct, but also the rules and regulations that bind us together as citizens of a supposedly united country of 50 states. Bob Dylan, in his infinite wisdom, wrote: "Even the President of the United States sometimes must have to stand naked." That was a huge rallying cry when Dylan sang that refrain during the Watergate hearings and Nixon's subsequent downfall. What we have wrought, putting this Strong Man in office, may make the Watergate hearings and Nixon's transgressions look like child's play.
The judgment of a people who are so desperate for a change candidate that this person becomes acceptable and his behavior the norm does raise questions. Are there any limits to this man's power? Could he indeed shoot someone and simply get away with it? Would his adorable basket of self-identified deplorable's chuckle and cheer as they watch him defiantly boast of murder or other heinous crimes? What are the limits and where are the boundaries when you unleash this defiant bully on the world? What hath they Wrought?
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