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Katy Bar the Door: The Fall of the House of Reagan


    Can this Marriage be Saved? There seems to be a disturbance in the force with the Tea Party activists and the rare seldom sighted moderate Republicans all coming out of the woodwork to ask what happened. There seems to be no way to reunite the odd, feuding factions that have erupted into deep schisms in the Republican Party. All one can do is to grab popcorn and stay tuned for what The Donald will do or say next…

·         Can he be Stopped? If you plaster his face at the post office, with the caption below Donald Trump’s picture reading, Can Someone stop this man?, would anyone be able to act? The GOP seems to be in a panic suddenly, as they realize that this man is soon to become the new face of the Grand Old Party.

·     Old adages do apply: “Nice Guys Finish Last” We’ve learned over the course of the last few weeks that those tired old sayings still hold true. Nice guys like Kasich or Jeb or Dr. Carson all finish in last place.

·         "The Rich get Rich, the Poor get Poorer” Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we are finally seeing some traction from the sinking feeling many had that two rich, Northern elites would be running against each other. But instead of Hillary vs Jeb, the inevitable has become Hillary vs Trump.


·         Also: along the line of the Super Soap Opera version, where we all need extra buttered popcorn because it’s too delicious to look away….”Can we elect an Agnostic President?"That would be Bernie….the question of faith rears its head every now and then. And although it’s not likely that Bernie Sanders will get the votes needed to catch up with Hillary, it would be interesting to address the question of someone running for the highest office who doesn’t quite measure up to the standards most of the religious right have set in the modern era of Presidential Politics.

·         The Numbers just don’t add up: Even though we’ve known since the Republicans did their “autopsy” when Romney lost that the electorate has changed since Ronald Reagan won the White House 36 years ago, there’s still a portion of the electorate in denial that the Fab Fifties have disappeared.

·         These angry voters believe the best days of our country are behind us. The Decline of Civilization is seen in the coded language we hear and the loud dog whistles being used by more than one candidate on the GOP side. “Make America Great Again” has an ugly underside: Make America White Again…

·         The Revolution Will be Televised:  The message is clear. Obama’s voters have been sending this message to Bernie’s army of young people: “We’ve had our Revolution… The Revolution was with a guy much younger, much hipper, and even more ideological than old Bernie. The problem is, we are eight years older and a whole lot wiser. We’ve got lots more grey hair, as our President can attest to."


·         Bernie vs Barney: And as the co-author of Dodd Frank, Barney Frank, has said, “Where were you guys when we tried to pass Dodd-Frank? These tea-party people didn’t just parachute through the top of the Capital Dome. They were voted into office! "

·         The message is clear. You need to vote. Not just in Presidential years, but in state and house elections, and in gubernatorial races. It’s not glamorous stuff, but the GOP does know how to turn out their troops. You need to vote!



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