This is looking more like a hostile takeover of the government than anything else at this stage. And with Trump's total disregard for the press, for protocol or for "PC" behavior, this is going to be treated as a takeover of the Government process. And to many, that would be a good thing. There's always a double-edged sword to anything that is radical or considered a disrupter or agent of change. In this case, we have the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Trump.
The Good: He's not a traditional conservative. His daughter is a registered Democrat. These things may bode will for possible bi-partisan cooperation that hasn't' been seen in a long time in Washington. Trump wants to do a massive Infrastructure spending bill that should help promote growth and stimulate the economy to create jobs. Obama had requested this and was shot down by GOP Lawmakers who didn't want to give him any win that would help his legacy, even if it meant screwing the American people and further depressing the American Economy. So the passage of any bill would be a windfall for the American people
The Bad: Trump's alt-right connections. He has openly white supremacist people working closely with him in as he forms his new government. The press freedom has already been extremely restricted, and there has been no condemnation of the violence that we see against minorities. Also, the charges of Nepotism have already been leveled at him with his daughter and son-in-law so closely connected with his business and with each meeting he has.
The Ugly: The future fears for the democratic process are heard from not only the loyal opposition, but leaders in other countries around the globe. Trump's ties and his own business deals can create and set up so many conflicts of interest, that charges of bribery, and ties to foreign business and governments that could lead to illegal deals are ripe for more abuse and the erosion of our democracy. The charges are not only of Nepotism, but also Despotic and Totalitarian behavior and they are already being raised up as he continues to make questionable picks in key government roles.
Things may not be as bad as we fear. But then again, some things we may not know for a long while as there is no transparency with his dealings regarding the Press and we have no idea of what is to be found in his tax returns. None of these things speak well for the future of our democracy or a free press and open government. And as someone pointed out, the paltry allegations against Mrs. Clinton of pay for play and ties to the Clinton Foundation or her e-mails will be far overshadowed by the enormity of the conflicts and possible charges against a future Trump administration.
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