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Under the Radar News from RS/BS

One thing that bothers me from time to time as I review the contents of the online magazine I edit, "Red State, Blue State" on Flipboard, is the number of news stories that are quite important, and yet are under reported. This article is a short list of some of the news stories that seem to go under the radar.

        70 Charities have called on Corporations to end their Political Dark Money-untraceable in campaigns and PAC’s under the rules of Citizens United.

·         Obama called out Fox News on their constant characterizations of the poor as lazy and leeches

·         Obama has said that Global Warming is the next big security threat to our country

·         On the Climate Change Front: Earth has recorded the warmest records for any 12 month period in recorded history; meanwhile, the California Drought worsens!

·         We are going to have huge Medicaid Expansion fights in the states that didn’t take the Federal money

·         The Sunni Shia fighting in Iraq has led the region to the unstable state it’s in today-Should it be split into 3 partitions-as Joe Biden suggested some ten years ago?

·         The Iraq War question: have we been asking the wrong question? It’s not what would you have done…it’s what are your plans going forward? What would you do given the conditions on the ground as they exist today!

·         Campus Rape is much higher than reported! Rape is regularly being used as a weapon of war. In Nigeria, Boko Haram has raped repeatedly. Now reports from Tunisia where women talk of decades of abuse from the police.

·         Under the radar…is China’s cancellation of the Yangtze River Dam Project. It would have destroyed the entire protection zone established by environmentalists, and would have rendered any subsequent controls or recommendations meaningless. The fact that the Chinese scrapped the project, (or at least put it on hold), is significant. Some environmental concerns of the people, and the rest of the world, have gained traction.

·         Under the radarHillary hired Gary Gensler- a former Goldman Sachs partner who helped implement Dodd-Frank legislation and pushed for tighter banking reforms. His presence is significant in that it raises hope within the left flank of the party that Hillary will give him a seat at the table and push for stronger measures for Wall Street!

·         There are 143 million people-almost ½ of the US Population, living in quake zones!

·         A quote from Leon Trotsky, the Bolshevik Revolutionary: “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.”…War is now written into the bottom line of big corporations. With global instability on the rise, corporations are hiring political scientists and including them in briefings at their board meetings

·         There were a record number, 11 million, displaced people in their own countries in 2014. The Total number of displaced IDP-Internally displaced people is around 38 million. 30,000 people a day are being displaced from their homes.

**These are but a few of the myriad number of stories I've seen that seem to be under reported. The Under the Radar segment will continue next month! Stay tuned...


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