Some of the campaign issues have been covered almost too
extensively. The subject of Benghazi & Hillary’s e-mails are all front page
news in recent days. But some news just doesn’t make it on the radar and it’s
pretty significant. It’s the type of things the media should be covering and
asking questions about, but just doesn’t for one reason or another. Here’s some
recent examples:
Did you Know?
Did you
know…that strange blobs in the Pacific are threatening marine life?
Did you
know that 2000 girl children in India are aborted almost every day in
India?-The sex-selective births have meant a decline in the number of girls
born in India. We knew this was a problem in China, and now India is reporting
the same phenomenon.
Diamonds: 80% of US firms fail to check for conflict minerals. They are
also not enforcing laws to prevent buying food from countries like Thailand who
use forced labor-essentially slave labor-to export their fish.
Did you
know…there’s a movement to put a woman on the $20 Dollar bill?
Did you
know…the girls in Nigeria kidnapped by Boko Haram are still missing? Almost
200 schoolgirls have never been recovered.
Did you
know…A new train in Japan running by magnetic levitation, not standard
steel rails-has reached a record speed of 375 mph?
Did you
know …between 1980 & 2010 credit card debt increased 1500 %?! (That’s
one-thousand, five hundred per cent!). Two-thirds of Americans, a clear
majority, don’t actually know how credit cards work. If you pay your bill
monthly, it’s essentially an interest-free loan.
Did you
know …since Earth Day began in 1970, the population of the Earth has
Did you
know… Corporations now spend 2.6 Billion a year for Lobbyists in Washington?
That is more than the cost of running both houses of Congress combined!
Did you
know…the median wealth of white households was thirteen times that of
black! This wealth divide expanded during the Great Recession of ’08.
Did you
know…for every dollar spent by labor unions/public interest groups for
lobbyists, big corporations outspend them with $34.00?
Did you
know …of the biggest 100 organizations lobbying on Capitol Hill, 95 of the
100 largest represent business interests?
Some of the things that go "under the radar" in news and politics should bother all of us. Periodically, I try to list all the things I find in my online magazine that just don't seem to get traction. The list here shows just a few! Stay tuned for more "under the radar" issues in weeks to come!
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