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Under the Radar News

Under the Radar:

The point of Under the Radar stories is that some of these stories in our online magazine are going under the radar about many of the under-reported issues that we know should receive more coverage. In Europe, there is not simply the Brexit trouble in the UK, but the fact that our European trading partners have had to move on and renegotiate among themselves. Immigration is a huge issue overseas, as it is here. But Income Inequality in the US is still much more pervasive, as they have universal health coverage in Europe and other benefits for citizens. And Steve Bannon has stirred up trouble in the EU by promoting his brand of populist upheaval in Europe.

 Here in the US, California has some burgeoning issues, such as problems with a high speed rail system, as well as the phenomenon of Silicon Valley bringing both good and bad disruptions to the state.

Other regions that are unstable are the Pakistan border, and we all remember that Osama Bin Laden was hidden in Pakistan for many years. There is an uneasy Afghan Peace process that includes the US in talks with the Taliban.

In the US, we have seen a declining investment in education and in the future of our children. This includes a new study showing that the US has the highest death rate for women and children during childbirth than any other developed nation. It shows a disturbing lack of investment in our own people.

Although we don’t invest in health and education, the military is still on track to remain as the most powerful combat force by many degrees even a decade or more out. That may be a blessing and a curse.

There’s some troubling numbers from dictatorships such as Egypt’s where they are going to execute 75 people in connection with a 2013 protest against the government. And behind the scenes, there is encouragement for an “Arab NATO’ alliance to emerge against Iran and its powerful nation state.

Finally, there is the long-term lack of investment and interest in  entitlement reform. Social Security needs to be shored up for the long term for it to remain viable and sustainable.

Top 10 list:

1.     About Europe: Other countries are making trade deals leaving US Behind; Brexit and UK are in trouble;

2.      American Government declining investment in children/educating our children; Income Inequality remains huge problem

3.      California: Silicon Valley as disruptor..not in a good way-particularly for non profit investing; high speed rail cost of $100 billion; and 2020 housing crisis

4.      Migrants in Europe-ship stranded with four countries refusing to accept the immigrants; and Bannon is stirring up trouble in EU & Europe

5.      Still Pakistan: Trouble with Pakistan stability/ Afghan Peace Process

6.      US: Highest rate of Death during childbirth in the developed world; Income Inequality

7.      By 2030; 5 most powerful armies: 1) India/2)France/3) Russia/4) USA most powerful ground combat force STILL in large degree; and 5) China

8.      Egypt’s Dictatorship; 75 sentenced to die for 2013 insurrection

9.      Fixing Social Security:  Beginning 2018; Social Security begins paying out MORE in benefits than it generates in revenue- asset reserves till 2034...then nothing left

10.  Working behind the scenes to revive ‘Arab NATO’ alliance against Iran

    Every few months, we will continue to update the list of Under the Radar stories that continue to make news, but are not getting the attention the stories deserve. So much news is drowned out lately in the wake of our political back and can hope that soon, we will begin to pay attention to pressing issues that don't always have a chance to be discussed in the mainstream media news cycle.


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