There is a small note in the bio of Fred Trump that mentions the connection between Fred Trump, Donald Trump's father, and the singer and activist Woody Guthrie. In the fifties, Guthrie was a tenant in a Brooklyn apartment building that was owned by Fred Trump. Notably, Guthrie wrote of the fact that his landlord (Trump) stirred up "Racial hate".
This is from the song he wrote called, "Old Man Trump".
"I suppose that Old Man Trump knows just how much
racial hate He stirred up in that bloodpot of human hearts."
He goes on to declare that "Beach Haven is Trump's Tower
Where no Black Folks come to roam…"
So in retrospect, long before the civil rights case in the 1970's that alleged discrimination in housing for both Trump and his young son, Donald, the father was sowing the seeds for the Election of 2016. Fred Trump was also investigated by the U.S Senate back in 1954 for profiteering from public contracts. All these things that occurred long before the Donald ever came on the scene help us understand the mindset in Trump world where the ends justify the means. It also lends credence to the idea that this is Trump's world view, learned on his daddy's knee, that Greed is Good and making a buck on the backs of the average working class citizen is something to boast about. These historical footnotes give us a small window into the world of Trump and tells us that the acorn didn't fall far from the tree. Sowing the seeds of racial discord and fanning the flames of economic inequality while making money on the backs of the "little guy" is just a family tradition.
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