The old adage was this: All politics is local. But maybe not any more. In today's climate, it's a national nuthouse. A friend of mine tweeted, "How can you vote for that lunatic?" My reply: "I say that every night about your guy"…
The election is almost over. But the post-mortems have already begun. Because not only is the GOP a casualty in this election, but also the Media. They enabled this guy, propped him up, nurtured and fed on him, and then in the closing weeks they descended like vultures after realizing what was about to occur. And as far as the e-mails hacked from a Russian source, there was no accountability or even a semblance of ethical background checks before unloading whatever came off the printer from WikiLeaks in the middle of the night. It's a true Document Dump world of internet memes and conspiracy theories abounding.
It's embarrassing for anyone who used to feel that investigative journalists in our country were a cut above the rest. There are a few out there still doing their work, but with budget cuts and online media sources, it's a fast fading narrative of non- journalistic integrity. Everything is about the bottom line, and it's almost always about money and glitz. The line that sums it up best comes from a Paul Newman movie called Fat Man and Little Boy. Newman's character is General Groves, who says: "It's all about Ass, isn't it? Either you kick it or you lick it." That seems to sum it up pretty well
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