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The Original Ugly American and the Canary in the Coal Mine

Here’s a partial synopsis from the Ugly American with Marlon Brando, released in 1963. Brando’s character, MacWhite, has only the most rudimentary knowledge and simplistic understanding of the political situation in a Southeast Asian country that is on the brink of civil war. Because of MacWhite’s intervention and his arrogant ignorance, it becomes too late to help the fictional nation. The book and film underscore the fact that the purpose of the original diplomatic delegation sent to intervene in Asia began as a peacekeeping mission.

One of the original authors of the book, William Lederer, had been in the navy and served as special assistant to the Pacific Fleet commander in the fifties. Co-authors Lederer and Burdock had based the character of the “Ugly American” on a loose composite of many different people they had met along the way. Now, in the 21st Century election for President of the United States, the Ugly American rears its ugly head.

 Although George Wallace and Ross Perot have been cited as past candidates that may resemble Trump’s candidacy, the only person that comes to my mind is an Italian. Not Mussolini, although Trump did recently cite a quotation from the Axis dictator.

This man was ranked in 2015 as the 141st richest man in the world, with a net worth of 8 billion dollars. He led the center-right party in Italy and was Prime Minister for nine years, the longest serving post—war Prime Minister. Silvio Berlusconi was the 50th Prime Minster of Italy from 2004 through 2011.  His legal problems were well documented, including financial allegations, links with the Mafia, prostitution trials plus the consolidation of the Italian media. Some in this country may remember the “Bunga bunga” parties that occurred during his administration.

In 2013, he was convicted of tax fraud. Because he was over 70 years of age, he was exempted from direct imprisonment and instead served his sentence doing community work. New laws were passed in Italy to bar Berlusconi from serving any legislative office for six years.

 To my mind, Berlusconi serves as the canary in the coal mine and a cautionary tale in this weird election year of 2016. Donald Trump is the exact polar opposite of the current President representing our nation on the world stage. And the closest Obama has come to directly warning the American Public against Trump was his veiled remark about the one who will be holding “the nuclear codes.”

Trump doesn’t have the temperament or the depth to be the Commander in Chief of the military. And his braggadocio and swagger that extends to exhorting the cameras to focus on the raucous crowds at his rallies seem to put the final exclamation point on the entire movement and gives some reasoning for his success. “Make America Great Again” becomes code for “Make America White Again.” It’s an ugly reminder of an even uglier chapter in our history that brings back memories and comparisons to the original “Ugly American.”



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