Not so fast Bernie: Hillary watchers take note. The big wins for Bernie in Caucus states, Hawaii, Washington State and Alaska, seemed to account for around 60,000 or so voters (Alaska had a whopping 500 people caucusing for Dems!). True, Bernie won big, but as for raw vote tabulation, the numbers don’t add up. Hillary still has an insurmountable lead in vote totals where large populations live. In the long run, Hillary leads “bigly” as Trump would say, in New York and California, which make up the bulk of the remaining vote count that will put her over the top to become the nominee. It’s slightly disingenuous, which Bernie’s folks love to say about Hillary, to claim that the momentum from these wins will lead to the nomination. Sanders would have to pull off some amazing sleight of hand to win the nomination of the Democratic Party. That’s without the Super-Delegates. The Super-Delegates seem to be the coolant that the GOP lacks. Republica...