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Showing posts from March, 2016

Bernie and the 50-state Solution

  Not so fast Bernie: Hillary watchers take note. The big wins for Bernie in Caucus states, Hawaii, Washington State and Alaska, seemed to account for around 60,000 or so voters (Alaska had a whopping 500 people caucusing for Dems!). True, Bernie won big, but as for raw vote tabulation, the numbers don’t add up. Hillary still has an insurmountable lead in vote totals where large populations live. In the long run, Hillary leads “bigly” as Trump would say, in New York and California, which make up the bulk of the remaining vote count that will put her over the top to become the nominee. It’s slightly disingenuous, which Bernie’s folks love to say about Hillary, to claim that the momentum from these wins will lead to the nomination. Sanders would have to pull off some amazing sleight of hand to win the nomination of the Democratic Party. That’s without the Super-Delegates.   The Super-Delegates seem to be the coolant that the GOP lacks. Republica...

The Low-Information Voter Manifesto

  In honor of the newest voting block seen in these United States, it stands to reason that they should create their very own Manifesto:   We hereby state, as the intentionally low-information voting block:   A)     We do not believe that Barack Obama is the legitimate President of the United States. He is a secret Muslim, working on an agenda that only he knows. B)     Donald Trump , although flawed as a candidate, is someone worthy of the highest office. He is a secret Man of the People. C)     We believe  Justice Anthony Scalia was somehow mysteriously murdered. D)     We don’t believe in Polling Data E)      We don’t believe in Scientific Data. F)      We don’t believe in Data, analysis, or statistics of any kind. Except that which Fox News or Bill O’Reilly happens to mention on any given night. G)  ...

Cassandra & Hillary: A Greek Tragedy in the Making

    In Greek Mythology, Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam of Troy. When the God Apollo tried to seduce her, she refused him, and to punish her, she received the gift of prophecy, but also the curse of never being believed.   In modern times, Hillary Clinton draws some comparisons with the Cassandra of myth and Greek tragedy. When Bernie speaks of the Revolution which will enable all Americans to have health care, while at the same time exacting revenge on Wall Street for their many transgressions, he is truly believed.   When Donald Trump speaks of the mythical wall that will miraculously be built and paid for by Mexico, he is believed. So the myth continues. The one who is seen as   “honest and trustworthy” tells his supporters things that cannot possible come true. And the one who vows to only promise that which is within her power to enact is considered the liar. So it goes.

The Original Ugly American and the Canary in the Coal Mine

    Here’s a partial synopsis from the Ugly American with Marlon Brando, released in 1963. Brando’s character, MacWhite, has only the most rudimentary knowledge and simplistic understanding of the political situation in a Southeast Asian country that is on the brink of civil war. Because of MacWhite’s intervention and his arrogant ignorance, it becomes too late to help the fictional nation. The book and film underscore the fact that the purpose of the original diplomatic delegation sent to intervene in Asia began as a peacekeeping mission.   One of the original authors of the book, William Lederer, had been in the navy and served as special assistant to the Pacific Fleet commander in the fifties. Co-authors Lederer and Burdock had based the character of the “ Ugly American ” on a loose composite of many different people they had met along the way. Now, in the 21 st Century election for President of the United States, the Ugly American rears its ugly head. ...

Katy Bar the Door: The Fall of the House of Reagan

·           Can this Marriage be Saved? There seems to be a disturbance in the force with the Tea Party activists and the rare seldom sighted moderate Republicans all coming out of the woodwork to ask what happened. There seems to be no way to reunite the odd, feuding factions that have erupted into deep schisms in the Republican Party. All one can do is to grab popcorn and stay tuned for what The Donald will do or say next… ·          Can he be Stopped? If you plaster his face at the post office, with the caption below Donald Trump’s picture reading, Can Someone stop this man?, would anyone be able to act? The GOP seems to be in a panic suddenly, as they realize that this man is soon to become the new face of the Grand Old Party.   ·      Old adages do apply: “ Nice Guys Finish Last ” We’ve learned over the course of the last few weeks that those tired old ...