The Real Silent
Majority is found to be in Camp Hillary. The excitement for the first woman
President is palpable when you talk to older, middle-aged women who want their voices heard!
Campaigning in
Poetry: Nothing makes Democrats madder than hearing the phrase, “Start all
over again” or “Repeal and Replace.” Everybody knows that there is no
alternative to Obamacare and Repeal and Replace is just another way for
Republicans to say “Kill the Bill!.” Practicality does matter. Governor Cuomo
said it best, “You Campaign in Poetry, but you Govern in Prose!”
Hope &
Change is still the Mantra. Trump offers fear and division. In the end,
American voters still want to believe in the future. We are a nation of
Cockeyed Optimists. Dems offer hope, GOP offers fear…We’ll see which one
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