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Showing posts from May, 2015

Under the Radar News from RS/BS

  One thing that bothers me from time to time as I review the contents of the online magazine I edit, " Red State, Blue State" on Flipboard, is the number of news stories that are quite important, and yet are under reported. This article is a short list of some of the news stories that seem to go under the radar.         70 Charities have called on Corporations to end their Political Dark Money-untraceable in campaigns and PAC’s under the rules of Citizens United.         ·          Obama called out Fox News on their constant characterizations of the poor as lazy and leeches   ·          Obama has said that Global Warming is the next big security threat to our country     ·          On the Climate Change Front : Earth has recorded the warmest records for...

Seinfeldian Moments in Strangelove

    Dr. Strangelove plays this month on Turner Classic. If you have ever reminisced about the Seinfeld moments in your life, you might appreciate these Seinfeldian moments in the film, Dr Strangelove, or: How I Learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.   *1) The Big Board : General Buck Turgidson is completely paranoid about the Russians being able to see “the Big Board”. Haven’t you ever thought about how childish the rules and games are that the highest in command play as they move people and entire cultures around on their imaginary chess boards?   *2) Precious Bodily Fluids : I can never think of fluoride in the same way after hearing Sterling Hayden as the deranged Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper talk seriously about how fluoridation of the water was sapping his “precious bodily fluids.”   *3) Slim Pickens is for ever immortalized as he is riding the rocket at the end of the film. It’s been reported that Pickens was not told he wa...

A list of things you may or may not know...

Some of the campaign issues have been covered almost too extensively. The subject of Benghazi & Hillary’s e-mails are all front page news in recent days. But some news just doesn’t make it on the radar and it’s pretty significant. It’s the type of things the media should be covering and asking questions about, but just doesn’t for one reason or another. Here’s some recent examples:   Did you Know? ·          Did you know …that strange blobs in the Pacific are threatening marine life? ·          Did you know that 2000 girl children in India are aborted almost every day in India?-The sex-selective births have meant a decline in the number of girls born in India. We knew this was a problem in China, and now India is reporting the same phenomenon. ·          Blood Diamonds : 80% of US firms fail to check for conflict minerals. They are ...

Hillary and the Man in the Arena

From the standpoint of one who voted for and endorsed Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton, there seems to be a question hanging in the air. How could someone who opposed the Clintonian dynasty support Hillary’s bid for the Presidency? Isn’t it a bit hypocritical? Or at least inconsistent with the view previously taken? This is true for many supporters of Obama. Some on the left cannot support her bid for President.They see many of her acknowledged flaws and conclude she cannot be a viable option. My view comes from watching her over the course of the past eight years, four as the Secretary of State within this Administration. And having watched the two debate in 2008- Obama vs. Hillary- there can be little question that the divide that separates them on most issues is a small one. Theirs is a centrist left view of the world. On Foreign Policy, I daresay that Hillary would never have worked for Obama had she held wildly opposing views from his own world view. But the...