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From RS/BS: The Top ten Pet Peeves of Trump and the era of Trump-ism

Everyone has their ‘pet peeve’ for the egregious behavior of Trump and his supporters. 
The big ones for me include these top ten:

1. Giving the Russian agent the Polling data from the 2016 campaign DIRECTLY from the  Campaign Manager Manafort and Gates…that got me…it stood out- as the definition of what “COLLUSION” is!

2. Trump’s cavalier abandonment of our Kurdish allies- meaning we cannot be counted on to stand with our allies; our word is NOT our bond! It means that US standing…is shot around the world...

3. The fact that the hypocrisy of all that Trump has done is met with silence from the GOP after all they have complained of Benghazi and Bill Clinton/ Obama’s Executive Actions Going after heath care with NO Idea of replacement by any ideas on the right!

4. The silent undermining of governmen. Steve Bannon- now Indicted- bragged of ‘deconstruction’ of governement, and all agencies including the EPA/ Education/Post Office/ State Dept/ all agencies….even Weather (See book by Michael Lewis- The Fifth Risk!)

5. Our damage to our relationships with allies; his cozying up to dictators- talking about being a “Laughing stock’ to the world/ Leaving the Paris Accord AND the Iran Deal. Both were expected but were done with nothing to take their place. There is no foreign policy. The stupidity/arrogance on display are leaving us literally as a laughing stock among our allies.

6. The idea that there exists in vaults - where Bin Laden strike notes are kept-top secret- They have jammed Trump’s talks with PUTIN.  Trump had no notetakers for his meetings…!?
This should not stand….IS there a back-channel to Russia? Kushner tried to set it up. Here's a quote from a reporter who said EARLY in Administration; “This is what we know...what we found out…What is it we DON”T know about”!? This was after he met with Russians after firing Comey and was laughing it up with them.

7. No work has been done on shoring up our Elections….for Russia to interfere AGAIN. The Impeachment didn’t do a thing to stop Trump.  He seems emboldened to be able to do anything he wants… (Which is showing as he is NOW working to undermine all segments of Elections; the Postal service/Election Day/ Ballot integrity/ Voter Fraud is trotted out again!)

8. The idea that McConnell rams through judges; that he buries all the legislation that House has passed. All Subpoenas are ignored.  Trump appoints people with no hearings or oversight. There is no oversight of any of his cronies with criminal activity. He is ‘running out the clock’ on criminal activities.  The fact Trump trotted out women who accused BILL Clinton for HILLARY Clinton debate….that should not stand, and is not normal.
There is no normal- no level playing field. Only  The Lincoln Project has gone ‘low’ to deal with a dirty trickster. If we go high he goes lower…**This was written BEFORE they are jamming through the Supreme Court judge before RBG’s body is cold!

9. Bill Barr has been unchecked also; So Trump has people around him- only cronies and ‘yes’ people are left. All the ‘grownups’  in the room left long ago. He can brag about getting his “Roy Cohn”- and Cohn was disbarred!

10. The lies/ the many lies are simply shrugged off; his behavior is not normal; shouldn’t be normalized; his ignorance and arrogance and trampling of norms-rule of law… And the idea that some have stood up to him and are fired. They pay the price with their jobs. Colonel Vindman and others, all the AG’s that he fired are victims because they had integrity. A Saturday Night Massacre is routine every Friday night, to try and bury it in news cycle
And the Fact tha  the MEDIA had dropped the ball with ‘what about-ism.’ The Hillary’s e-mail crowd and following the shiny object have become numb to his crimes. They are always distracted and distractible. Trump sits in the White House and plans his daily Reality TV campaign and feels he is untouchable.


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