Meets an old,
immovable object like me
You can bet as sure as you live
Something’s Gotta
The old song rings true in this political season. An
irresistible force of nature is the political electorate. The old school, and
by that I mean the corporate and entrenched Establishment makes up the old,
immovable object.
At some point, you know Something’s Gotta Give. Many people
have predicted the death of the two-party system in this election cycle. We do
have other political parties to be sure, but not powerful parties with any
chance of winning the Presidency.
There is a Green Party, there’s the Libertarian Party, and
other fringe parties and candidates. In other countries, there are various parties
that must form coalitions in order to gain a majority to govern. That is where
we are heading, I suspect. But not this time.
There’s a great book by Jonathon Alter about Obama’s 2012 election,
called The Center Holds. With the rise of the Tea Party and the
discontent after the economic collapse of 2008, there is a growing rumble from
the electorate that the traditional coalitions will not survive.
The electorate is telling us that eventually there needs to
be a revolution, a way to shake things up. All these things make the collapse
of the two party system seem inevitable. The irresistible force has butted up against
that old, immovable object in this cycle. But for the time being, my prediction
is that the Center Holds.
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