When an irresistible force such as you Meets an old, immovable object like me You can bet as sure as you live Something’s Gotta Give Something’s Gotta Give … The old song rings true in this political season. An irresistible force of nature is the political electorate. The old school, and by that I mean the corporate and entrenched Establishment makes up the old, immovable object. At some point, you know Something’s Gotta Give . Many people have predicted the death of the two-party system in this election cycle. We do have other political parties to be sure, but not powerful parties with any chance of winning the Presidency. There is a Green Party, there’s the Libertarian Party, and other fringe parties and candidates. In other countries, there are various parties that must form coalitions in order to gain a majority to govern. That is where we are heading, I suspect. But not this time. There’s a...