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Jonny: We Hardly Knew Ye

A former Vice President of the United States, one Richard Cheney, promoted the loosening of restrictions on Iranian sanctions regarding oil immediately before becoming the VP and then subsequently promoting the invasion of Iraq. The Bush Administration hand-picked former Iraqi President Malaki, who had strong Iranian ties and was promoted by the Bush administration to lead Iraq. Iran was subsequently strengthened by the weakening of Iraq…so by Cheney’s own definition, he would be considered a traitor to the interests of his own country! This fact was pointed out by Jon Stewart.

Also, Jon Stewart, whose mother was a teacher, made note of the fact that the recent convictions in Atlanta of the teachers who cheated by giving out test answers to students to promote their own interests by boosting the grade results for their schools, was condemned by the Judge. He said their behavior was sickening and the worst thing he had ever heard. Then Stewart went on to remind the audience that the ratings agencies on Wall Street had given A ratings to stocks and holdings that they knew were not warranted, thus resulting in the eventual collapse of the entire economy and ratings system. After fines of billions of dollars, no one was ever charged in these transactions which resulted in the collapse of our stock market and the entire US economy in 2008.

I found myself again yelling, Yes! to the TV when he pointed out that Chris Christie was being congratulated for having survived the scandal of Bridge-Gate. How is it that a man surrounded by his hand-picked staff survives after promoting a culture of cut-throat revenge politics which extended to shutting down a major bridge affecting thousands of people?

For that matter, how can Governor Scott Walker brag about his survival of two elections after the people of his state tried to oust him from office because of his extremist policies? Why does that qualify you, Mr. Walker, to run a huge country like the United States?


Many is the time I have yelled at the screen, “Yes! Thank You!” when Jon Stewart, has covered an issue that was completely overlooked by the mainstream media.
 Again, Mr. Stewart, thank you for calling attention to Fox News with a special and disturbing montage of clips illustrating that the business model of Fox is heavily invested in preying on the poorest Americans and portraying them as leeches and lazy. You don’t have to do a lot of research to verify the myriad number of times they use this as an intro to their programming. It’s actually quite disturbing and would not be funny if Jon Stewart wasn’t lambasting Joe Scarboorough for his callous and ignorant disregard of the truth.
In closing, all I can say is this about Jon Stewart’s departure:

“What’ll I Do…when you…are far away

And I am Blue…what’ll I do?

What’ll I do…with just…a photograph

To tell…my troubles to?

When I’m alone with only dreams of you

That won’t come true-what’ll I do?”


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