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March RS/BS Themes: As the World Turns

 It’s beginning to read a bit like a never-ending soap opera. Welcome to the latest edition of Red State/Blue State: As the World Turns.
 *Hillary’s e-mail: Why do we care about this story? Does the beltway media understand this is not a big deal with the rest of America? Will Hillary get to keep her server? And will the GOP finally get an answer to the question: How did Hillary hide Vince Foster’s body all these years?  Those who don’t like Hillary will think this is huge…like Benghazi. But the rest of us are interested in:
  • *Racism in America: How entrenched is it? How far have we really come? What do we need to do?
*ISIS: If an Iranian General is helping to fight and win against ISIS, isn’t that a good thing? The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? Should we worry about that more than the delicate negotiations with Iran that are being worked out with the US and our partner nations?

*Does Bibi Netanyahu stand a chance of losing his election? Is that going to be a good thing? Will it teach us something about those who wished for his speech…namely, to be careful about what you wish for?
 *Should we be doubly grateful that John McCain’s poor judgment which gave us Sarah Palin is now simply being underscored by his signature on a freshmen Senator’s letter and not his finger near the nuclear codes? He claims in hindsight it may not have been a good idea to sign a letter to the leader of an avowed enemy in which you are openly warning the enemy state that your duly elected President is not really trustworthy. You think?
 *Should the Fed raise interest rates? Is our economy improving enough to weather it?
 *What will be the driving themes of the 2016 race? Income inequality or national security?
 *Will Americans be hugely turned off from a race between the Bushes and the Clintons? Does it tell us something more about our politics? Specifically, that we have a huge problem with fat cat lobbyists and entrenched money interests pouring dark money into Political PAC’s. Plus it is increasingly apparent that only an elite core of individuals can feasibly mount a massive campaign to win the Presidency.
 *For answers to these questions and more…stay tuned!


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