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Showing posts from November, 2020

From RS/BS: The Top ten Pet Peeves of Trump and the era of Trump-ism

Everyone has their ‘pet peeve’ for the egregious behavior of Trump and his supporters.  The big ones for me include these top ten: 1. Giving the Russian agent the Polling data from the 2016 campaign DIRECTLY from the  Campaign Manager Manafort and Gates…that got me…it stood out- as the definition of what “COLLUSION” is! 2. Trump’s cavalier abandonment of our Kurdish allies- meaning we cannot be counted on to stand with our allies; our word is NOT our bond! It means that US standing…is shot around the world... 3. The fact that the hypocrisy of all that Trump has done is met with silence from the GOP after all they have complained of Benghazi and Bill Clinton/ Obama’s Executive Actions Going after heath care with NO Idea of replacement by any ideas on the right! 4. The silent undermining of governmen. Steve Bannon- now Indicted- bragged of ‘deconstruction’ of governement, and all agencies including the EPA/ Education/Post Office/ State Dept/ all agencies….even Weather (See book