The MAGA mantra is a lie…They didn’t vote to make America GREAT
again but instead to blow up the system….Not all of the people who voted for
the MAGA slogan still believe it will become true. There is too much solid
evidence of the hollowness of the promises. Mexico is not paying for a wall,
and we don’t have a better health system than the ACA that helps people with
pre-existing conditions. The actual components of what it would take to make
America Greater still are just not there.
Making American Great again would entail working together to
create a better health care system for all that would include those with
pre-existing conditions. Making America Great Again would mean working on infrastructure
to make America a showcase that is the envy of the world.
Making America Great would mean working to be a global leader
in NATO and with our allies to not only create peaceful solutions in existing
conflicts, but also to work to prevent conflicts and to build on alliances that
have worked to make us great for the past century. We have been a superpower
and a world leader, and not a laughing stock or a banana republic. But that is
what we are in danger of becoming with this administration. Instead of the
country song, “I’m Proud to be an American”, there is no pride in an America
where every part of our past glory is under siege, while the State Department
and all other agencies from within are being torn down by an administration
crowing and braying and gloating about their deconstruction of the state. There
is no way that could be considered great by any measure.
Make America Great Again is a myth, a slogan branded by a
marketing manipulator who has sold a bill of goods with no solid plan or idea
behind a hollow line. America has been great and will remain great if we do not
tear it apart from within. That is the danger with the type of empty rhetoric
and hollow promises that has been a major part of the MAGA myth.
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