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RS/BS Newsletter Notes: Wouldn't it be nice...?

Wouldn't it be nice if…remember the old Beach Boys song? It was part of the film, "Roger & Me" that highlighted the musings of one laid off worker who thought about it in terms of going back to the way things were in his youth, when Flint, Michigan was still a bustling hub for
the automobile industry. In the same vein, my musings were: Wouldn't it be nice….if politicians stopped using health care as a political weapon and worked together to help create an affordable and viable health care system for all Americans that was designed to promote optimum well-being and good outcomes? Wouldn't it be nice…if people could work out their differences by simply admitting we have different views, but we all would like to protect Americans and continue to build our communities and keep our standing in the world of being a beacon of hope and inclusiveness?

Wouldn't it be nice…if people could look at the other side of the aisle and recognize their problems and concerns? Wouldn't it be nice…if we could walk a mile in their shoes, and realize the voices we hear are sometimes not those of our enemies, but simply a different point of view? Wouldn't it be nice…if we hear a story or media report and we were able to take it at face value without partisan mistrust and acrimony? All of these things are fantasies in the environment we live in currently. However, there is always hope that we may come together over community and art, music and laughter. There's always hope, and that may be the only lingering remnant found in the American Dream.

Here are some notes from the articles that have been featured online in the RedState/Blue State magazine recently regarding the Trump Regime…..

* The Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson- the man within the Shadow Government. Is he Putin's Puppet? or just an Exxon Mobil Demi-God who knows nothing about being a Public Servant? For that matter, no one knows nothin’ in this administration….ESPECIALLY about being a Servant. Of. The. People.

*Is  the Trump Administration operating in a “spin-only” media-free plus fact free zone

*Trump & his team of Rivals- From within his administration there are reports of  infighting-the circular firing squad is surrounding the team of rivals surrounding Trump. Confusion reigns…but let's remember…. The investigative Newsweek reporter Kurt Eichenwald talks about the astute business judgment of this man-if Trump had done NOTHING but taken the money he
inherited and let it accrue in a bank, he'd be much wealthier than the guy who has squandered several fortunes, had his Daddy bail him out, bankrupted casinos and now has somehow stumbled into the position of being the most powerful man on the planet!

*We are operating in a Post Factual State-
Facts are frowned upon within this administration-as Stephen Colbert used to say, "I'm not a big fan of facts"

*The Liberals' Dilemma
-How much to resist? The answer has been handed to us. Resist Everything. .Trump has not given an inch in terms of becoming the type of deal-maker he touted himself to be.

*There’s a great picture of Trump as the Great & Powerful Oz- Who of course, turns out to be a fraud and a humbug hiding behind a curtain.  Trump is the man behind the curtain-When will some of his supporters realize the Emperor not only has no clothes, he's also swindled people out of their health care and their money?!

*The great vanishing act of Electoral Promises 2016- Remember these Golden Oldies? "Mexico will pay for the wall"; "you will love your health care-it's so much better"; "We will be winning so much you'll be sick of it!"; " We will have trade wars with China."

*Baby Trump vs Baby Kim Jong Un-which baby is going to drop his rattle and make the big bomb explode first?

*Oh what a tangled web we weave: The Russian Connection- How many lies and fantastic untruths do we have to swallow before someone tells us what they are talking about in classified closed door sessions!? All we are allowed to see are "ashen-faced" people coming out looking shell shocked-as we hear reports of the Dossier and people who are very cagey about what they've heard-For God's Sake! Tell us SOMETHING!

*Paul Ryan and his Great Society for Rich People-
Nice work if you can get it… Paul Ryan is so concerned about poor people-and by that I mean he is concerned that they are getting health care and benefits that he would like to cut so he can give big tax breaks to his richest voters-the one-percenters

*The Science of elimination - OK…the great philosopher-king...let's call him Obama-used government for the good of all people-and let's just say an experiment with a wealthy businessman-we'll call him Trump-is one where he is supposed to be this savvy, deal-maker who can work both sides of the aisle and get great deals to make government work more efficiently, as well as to keep Congress humming along with his savvy knowledge and insights. Instead, it's apparent that just to cut all programs and to hunker down when you know absolutely NOTHING-like Sargeant Schultz-is not the answer to a better, more efficient government. You have to know what to cut, what to keep, and how to work with others...

*Trump & his wiretap tap dance-
OK, finally we can end this farce. The guy is LYING. Let's call it lying. And let's stop using clever euphemisms, like “untruths” or….”he may have misspoken” ,  or” "He's a babe in the woods. He's just a novice politician who doesn't know what he's saying.".. No, actually, he's a liar and he lies. That's what he does...

*Do we have a Shadow Government spying within the Government?
How confusing is this? Trump has people to spy on the people who are our spies. And each agency has a plant or mole within the agency to report back to Little Caesar/Trump about ….what? I thought Dick Cheney's shadow government within a government was the worst. It's always bad when you have to ask: How low can you go?

*Trump denies he's golfing-but maybe he should be golfing more! Trump is spending more in about 2 months then Obama had in 2 years on travel and protection-so we're glad that you aren't taking that salary of $400,000, but 10 million minus $400,000 is still quite pricey. But then again…I'd rather he spent his time golfing then tweeting and working the phones….He's that incompetent.

*Trump budget pick Mick Mulvaney declares they will lay out plans to erase the US Deficits-and oh yeah,,,world peace. It reminds me of Steve Martin's Christmas wish for world peace…."Oh yeah, and the stuff about the deficits and world peace, we want that crap too…"

*Trump was not content with Mexico, Australia and the U.K. He has now alienated Germany too….-look out Canada & France! Trump is a triple threat. He can't read, can't govern, and he can't be civil to the allies. Is Puerto Rico going to leave the US? Does Trump know that we have a commonwealth?

*Congressman Adam Schiff
says there’s "Circumstantial evidence" of Trump's Russia Collusion. So if it walks and quacks like a duck…. Gravity is a "thing"; Relativity is a "thing"; Russian Collusion is also a thing, it’s a given-it's real and like I said, When will they tell us SOMETHING!!!!?

* An article about Kellyanne Conway recently posited she was the shadow first lady
? She is not in the shadows quite enough, in my opinion.  If she would open that microwave, stick her head in, and ….(Bless me, Father, for I have had sinful thoughts!)

* Another recent article shows “The Leader of the Free World meets….Trump” with Merkel’s picture.Trump is ready to pass the buck on world leadership. Let’s see…the Free world goes to Merkel & Germany’ the Tough Guy status goes to Putin and the rest of the world leadership pie goes to China.  Here it goes! Just follow the money-Trump & Putin will divvy up the banks, and the rest of you clowns can try and "govern" and "lead"-Losers!

*The always urbane and erudite commentator Fareed Zakaria  was reduced to a one word profanity for Trump-Bullshit. Fareed is busy with the launch of: "Let's Make America Smart Again". It’s good to start at the beginning-like how a bill becomes law-how the government operates-the GOOD things government does for you besides the big military!….

And last but not least:
*Good ol' attaboy Budget Director Mick Mulvaney: He claims he’s bringing compassion to the over-taxed one-percenters. It reminds me of this old television series called The Night Stalker with Darren McGavin. And in the promo each week it showed him yelling: "This NUT THINKS he's a VAMPIRE!" The vampire nut in Mulvaney/Trump-world thinks black is white, and day is night and up is down too…
so sure, it's so compassionate to cut the health care for 24 million hard working American citizens because Freedom's just another word for….it actually doesn't mean a damn thing-it's just another word. In Mulvaney/Trump speak we use that old chestnut as we trot out another oldie but goodie, the "Proud to be an American" song, right before Comrade Trump takes the stage for his weekly rally of the troops in Red State America. God Bless the USA of R!


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