Wouldn't it be nice if …remember the old Beach Boys song? It was part of the film, " Roger & Me" that highlighted the musings of one laid off worker who thought about it in terms of going back to the way things were in his youth, when Flint, Michigan was still a bustling hub for the automobile industry. In the same vein, my musings were: Wouldn't it be nice….if politicians stopped using health care as a political weapon and worked together to help create an affordable and viable health care system for all Americans that was designed to promote optimum well-being and good outcomes? Wouldn't it be nice…if people could work out their differences by simply admitting we have different views, but we all would like to protect Americans and continue to build our communities and keep our standing in the world of being a beacon of hope and inclusiveness? Wouldn't it be nice…if people could look at the other side of the aisle and recognize their problem...