Dear Sweet Kelllyanne Conway:
A moment of your time, m'dear, before you begin snarking all the way to Capitol Hill. Your statement: "How about the fact that nobody liked your candidate? Or that people didn't connect with her? Or that you should have tried harder to get WHITE working class voters?
Well…Facts are sometimes hard to face, aren't they?
Fact: Donald Trump lost the Popular Vote…badly. According to the latest numbers, Hillary will be the only candidate who has lost by the margin equalling ten winning Presidential Candidates without taking office.
Fact: People didn't connect with Trump-according to your definition. Exit Polls showed that even those who DID vote for him didn't think he was qualified to be Commander in Chief.
Fact: Democratic Candidates try to reach ALL working class people-NOT just the WHITE working class voters. Seig Heil!
Why did you make a point to specify WHITE working class? This isn't about race, is it? Look at the camera, straight on with a face shot, and say that you embrace ALL the working class-black, brown, Muslim, Latino….ALL working class voters. Just as you can say with a straight face that Trump respects women. -And the world laughs. The facts are that the vote was repressed, plus the e-mail/Comey letter and Russia/Wikileaks worked against the first female major party candidate in the history of the United States.
Yes, there were things that the Clinton campaign should have done differently. But to lay the loss at the feet of Hillary Clinton's supposed lack of Popularity as a candidate is laughable. You have represented the LEAST likable candidate for President in the history of modern America. He is about to take the oath, God help us all. Learn to WIN Gracefully and stop being a 'sore winner'. It doesn't become you, dearie.
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