The best political show-hands down-this Political Season goes to Joy Reid on AM Joy Saturday & Sundays on MSNBC. She is definitely the only one who has been asking the right questions of any of the surrogates. May I add that the Donald Trump surrogates are more to be pitied than censured? In this weird political climate, where the Right and Left, who can agree on almost nothing, have come together in their mutual dislike of Donald Trump, we find very few people willing to buck the trend and actually go on television to defend Donald Trump and his hard-to-follow and ever-changing policy positions.
Joy Reid has not only called out several of the less than stellar members of the surrogate brigade, (she had the sad Pastor who lied and walked off the CNN set on her Saturday show before the rest of the media got wind of him), but also has been the only pundit willing to question the Media's own highly questionable judgment regarding their constant and never-ending scrutiny of Hillary Clinton's ongoing and unnecessary e-mail/Foundation/Server Scandal. They have never asked a question to Clinton or her surrogates regarding policy, the environment, the war with ISIS, Income Inequality, Health Care, our crumbling Infrastructure, the budget, jobs, or anything related to Foreign or Domestic Policy. According to the Press, our number one issue in America should be the ongoing and relentless pursuit of justice regarding Hillary Clinton's e-mails.
I do get it that the right will never let this go. But the Press is charged with the scrutiny of our next Commander in Chief. Maybe during the debates, we might get a few minutes on a subject other than "the damn e-mails". But if Donald Trump and every major news organization have their way, we won't hear about any subject other than the questions that begin basically with the premise: "When did you stop beating your wife?" Stay tuned as we assess how low the bar will be set regarding the scrutiny of both candidates this political season...
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