Here are some notes that were jotted down in the heat of the moment:
The gap
narrows; Trump should take heart from the polling that it isn’t a blow-out. Is
Donald Trump vs the Establishment the real theme of this year’s Convention?
Controversy at the RNC abound from the Alaska
delegation asking for a floor vote, the Colorado delegation walk-out and the Plagiarism
It’s official: He’s it! Wasn’t sure if they
would get there, but after a couple of false starts, they actually did it.
Donald J Trump, late of the hit TV show, The Apprentice and WWE, is now the
Republican Nominee for President of the United States in 2016…OMG!
The theme of the week is…Bash Hillary
Fear leads the way, with Guiliani out front
waving his arms wildly
It’s been pointed out that some of the most vulnerable
Republican Senators are running far away from the nominee.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch: Is Roger Ailes on
the way out at Fox News?
Back at the Podium: An NRA Lobbyist is speaking
on behalf of Trump
· Paul Ryan as the Great White Hope for the Grand Old
Party: Ryan says The Dems are too PC; but one of my favorites is: the lobbyists
are in the pocket of the Democratic Party; Look in the mirror Sir, before you take aim at
the lobbyists (See above bullet about NRA Lobbyist!)
The Pitch Men: Making the case without
mentioning the man… It’s been commented on more than once by the media that the
speakers are not enthusiastically endorsing their man Trump.
The Lack of Joy; the lack of a plan; the idea
that we are all in this together-meaning Trump is in this-“I’m discussing it
with myself”.
The plans overheard include: De-funding Planned
Parenthood; The Poverty plan is jobs for all.
Ryan’s Song: Building a 21st Century
Military; Reforming the health care system and finding a better way to deal
with poverty. All that’s missing are those pesky details.
That old song comes to mind: It’s the right
place, and the right time, although your face is charming it’s the wrong face! The
thing is…how many are going to speak without actually mentioning the party’s
The Black GOP: they are looking out at a sea of
white people, heavy on lectures and sermons.
Trump pulls out the “D-List!” Lots of soap opera
stars abound at the podium with some Duck Dynasty thrown in for good measure.
Hillary and Lucifer? No one saw that coming from
the resident GOP Kook: Dr. Ben Carson.
In Republican world: The Sky is Falling is the
only mantra to run on…According to FBI statistics, violent crime in US has
fallen steadily since 1992. Unemployment is lowest since Nov 2007, & the
economy has grown under Obama’s tenure.
Yes, the middle class is hurting. Higher pay is
seen for only the richest 10% of US households. We are still outperforming most
advanced economies. China has grown faster, but the US is still the richest
advanced nation by far.
In comparison, Economic output per person was
$56,000 per person compared to $7,900 a person in China.
BUT: The bad news from around the world has
taken its toll. People are anxious and worried the country is going in the
wrong direction. Trump has a mixed message: Make America Great Again with the
undertone that we have lost our way and have not been great for a long time. It’s
not an optimistic message, it’s one of fear and anxiety.
Did Speaker Paul Ryan actually criticize the
Democratic Party about lobbyists? His wife Janna is a well-known lobbyist and
he has a longtime corporate lobbyist on his staff as a top aide.
Site of the DNC: Philadelphia. Did you know it’s
the 5th most populated city in US? The population of Philadelphia is 1.5 million.
There is method in their madness…
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