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But Does it Play in Peoria?

Hope & Change

Make America Great Again

Nixon’s the One

Slogans are great, Violets are good,
But in the long run, does it play in the Hood?

 If it plays in Peoria, then it should work. But perhaps we want someone who isn’t fixated on short term fixes and catchy slogans. Maybe boring is better for our long-term stability.

 There are some people who are angry, and the anger seems to be directed at the wrong outlets. Wall Street created this debacle of bundling mortgages and gambling with their client’s money in risky schemes. It almost collapsed the economy.

The Bush Administration gambled on the fact they could sell the public on a risky war and lower taxes with trickle-down Economic theory that didn’t work. It left us with a huge deficit problem.

 We still need to come together and decide on the long-term solvency of our most cherished institutions, namely Social Security and Medicare. These are all problems that can be solved. By working together and by understanding the complex nature, we can solve them.

 These problems have nothing to do with penis envy and poll numbers. The Media hasn’t helped by putting The Donald on the air for free every night along with the nightly news. But there is a lot of blame to go around.

 We can begin by looking in the mirror. We’ve seen the enemy and it is us. The American Public should demand more. They should have been out on the streets demanding that the banking industry be held accountable for their crimes.

They should have been interested in the Dodd-Frank bill that passed. They should vote in mid-term elections that have favored incumbents and cronyism and big corporate interests. These problems haven’t suddenly just popped out of the ether.

Even the trade issue has been with us since long before Michael Moore debuted, “Roger & Me” way back in 1989. The jobs in Flint, Michigan were even then being shipped overseas.

By looking at the issues, we may decide that having an entertainer along the lines of Henny Youngman is amusing, but really doesn’t play well in Peoria. Even Pat Paulson had a better grasp of the issues than Donald J. Trump.

Who has created the monster? There’s plenty of blame to go around. Now, the only problem is how to bell the cat. Everyone’s agreed on the need to rein him in, it’s just a question of doing it.


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