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Showing posts from July, 2015

Under the Radar News: Featured stories from Red State/Blue State News Magazine from July

I guess my initial reaction to “Trump-mania” besides the laughter generated from late-night comics, is the phrase, “Meanwhile, back at the ranch…” Because while we are listening to the latest soliloquy from Trump or his rivals, and the pundits argue and shuffle the characters appearing in the first Fox News debate which is months away from the primaries, there are other things happening in the world.   The top 5 articles I picked are all featured in Red State/Blue State News & Politics Magazine from Flipboard. Here they are:   1.       The debate over whether the Iran Deal is comparable to the opening of China 2.       The debate over whether our US Military is spread too thin 3.       20 photos of international borders that tell a tale 4.       A map showing the areas of Drug Cartel influence in Mexico 5.    ...

Donald Trump at the zoo

There are times you may remember visiting a zoo, and you may have seen people stare in fascinated horror as they watch the poop-throwing antics of a rogue monkey. Displaying bizarre and inappropriate behavior is one reason that people are so fascinated. It’s hard to look away. Now, about Donald Trump. Why would anyone be shocked…shocked! by The Donald’s poop-throwing behavior? It’s what he does, that’s just his way. So are we going to go through 8 or 9 months of this?   Because there’s a national security crisis with Chinese hackers, ISIS threats, gun control debates, the Iran Deal, income inequality, major problems with racial inequality and immigration reform, plus the small matter of electing a new leader of the Free World. To that question, here’s a hint: It ain’t Donald Trump.   He’s not even close to being a viable candidate, but he will be a major spoiler if the National Media keep staring in fascination and horror as the monkey throws poop at the...

How do you solve a Problem like The Donald?

            How do you solve a problem like The Donald?   That must be what the GOP is singing behind closed doors as Donald Trump fever is silently whisking its way through the heart of the Democratic strongholds, where Hillary supporters are surely asking themselves, “ Could Trump possibly be a secret operative for the Democratic National Committee?”

The Roberts Court did Something Wonderful

“ He will not always say What you would have him say, But now and then he’ll do Something Wonderful .”   Lyrics from "The King and I"     There have been many times the Roberts Supreme Court has let the American People down, as in the case of  the“ Citizens United” ruling and   again when they decided against keeping key provisions intact from landmark Civil Rights protections dating back to the 1960’s. And the Supreme Court under Rehnquist and consisting of Scalia and Thomas ruled in the Bush v Gore case where they basically gave the election to a man who did not win the popular vote, nor, it turns out, the state of Florida upon which they ruled in Bush’s favor. So to say that progressives have been unhappy with the Supreme Court in the past two decades would be an understatement. But then again they do Something Wonderful . Every now and then, they get it right. Perhaps there will indeed have to be legislation passed to eve...