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Showing posts from October, 2014

A simple question for Mr. Romney

Would that someone would simply ask Mr. Romney & co. to explain exactly how they would have handled the situation in Iraq differently? There is some question, even among experts, as to whether or not a U.S. force would have prevented ISIS from evolving into the terror powerhouse it has become. In any case, there are no American casualties in the latest war against ISIS, in comparison to 4,491 dead and at least 50,000 more wounded and disabled. That somehow makes a difference.   In regard to Putin’s escapades in Ukraine, and the Ebola crisis, what exactly would have been done differently by President Mitt? It’s one thing to trash talk when you’re engaging in lots of Monday morning quarterbacking, but when it comes down to details, that’s where the devil overtakes you. What- exactly -would you be able to accomplish? Other than being Masters of Spin, enabling an entire party to hoodwink at least half of the voting electorate into believing they have some kind of answer t...

The Numbers Game-Mid-terms are almost here!

The mid-term elections are almost upon us. And even before Election Day, the trend lines are clear. The race has become a numbers game. It’s nail-biting time for Dems, only because we wait to see how big the losses are. My prediction-apart from my hopes & beliefs- is that the GOP will probably pick up the Senate. Nate Silver has it as a 66% certainty. At that point, the Governor’s races will be the only bright spot on the horizon. If the Dems can pick up Florida, and perhaps knock Scott Walker out in Wisconsin, then it will be a good night. Or at least the lesser of the worst-case scenarios envisioned for the Democratic Party.   If the losses are contained in the Senate to either hold a 50-50 majority with VP Biden as tie-breaker, or simply at +1 for the GOP, the majority will not mean so very much for the Senate. However, the near future looks bleak in terms of endless investigations into Benghazi, the IRS, the Impeachment threat, plus whatever the GOP can find to thr...

What did you expect? Thoughts on the NRA & Gun Control

When you have a society that 1) applauds Governors with the highest rate of executions in their states' history; 2) a Congress that won’t even pass background checks; 3) Allows AK-47 guns to be bought through the mail; 4) Allows the NRA to buy politicians & elections; 5) Enacts  "Stand your Ground" & "King of the Castle" gun laws that allow people to indiscriminately blow people away; plus give teenagers access to guns; and hot-headed adults that can’t solve disputes without shooting someone; plus you have African-American kids driving around ….just being black!....(that seems to be the crime in most cases); you have road rage cases where two people fight and someone gets killed…in other words, mass hysteria and dogs and cats living together….what did you think would be the result? Less deaths from guns?   If the NRA would like to experiment with the notion that everyone should strap on a gun, including all public school teach...

Random thoughts on the Giant Chicken Hawk War and other Current Events

** Ace Reporter Joe Scarborough… someone has taken Mr. Scarborough to the woodshed recently and explained to him that he doesn’t work for Fox News. They have explained that people who watch MSNBC do not enjoy their own {albeit partisan} network anchors constantly belittling the President and prefacing remarks with the equivalent of: When did you stop beating your wife ? One example of Scarborough’s line of questioning always ended up sounding something like this: Why do you think President Obama will be remembered as the worst President in History?...   The Giant Chicken Hawk War: One of my pet peeves is the network/Cable News TV fascination with the same neo-cons who bravely volunteered our soldiers to fight a never-ending war in Iraq & Afghanistan, and now complain that they should go back to fight more mindless wars in the Middle East. John McCain has earned the right to pontificate about war.   But he doesn’t get a pass for the petty a...