The notes from the headlines that have impacted our lives the most over the past few months are included in this newsletter. Here are the top takeaways from the past months that were compiled from the daily headlines and news that has been part of our lives during the Trump era. Please remember to follow along on Twitter @mljtpa and also to sign up for the monthly newsletter at 21 st Century News! And follow us on Facebook at 21 st Century News! 1. What Fox News hath wrought: The damage done and lives ruined, people targeted by lies and disinformation campaigns run on a nightly basis at Fox news is part of the ongoing story.... 2. A Letter of Support for Steve Schmidt & Fellow Patriots; The line from The Verdict is this: Steve, people will believe you and listen to the truth. The Silent Majority needs to be heard. Those who voted for Joe Biden and don’t believe the lies and know that you are out there working hard every day. Thank God...