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Showing posts from June, 2018

The G-word is the Elephant in the Room: Globalization is here to stay

Globalization is not a concept but reality I keep thinking of the rock song: “Hang on....Help is on the way!”....We need the cavalry out. And the elephant in the room is Globalization. It’s the dirty word for the 38% crowd. The odd thing is that these protectionist policies are going to hit them as much or more as it will everyone else. These are not the elitists. The Elite of the GOP want free and fair trade. The only small group that is cheering are the steel workers and their union leaders. Everyone else is screwed in this. And the idea that we are going to go back to the 19 th Century coal mine and aluminum and steel based economic models is laughable. There are books written, classes held and studies showing that automation is going to eliminate a segment of the work force. Preparing for the New Economy is going to take a Manhattan Project effort. We need a leader that we can get behind that will shove home this message every day of his or her campaign. ...

Lost time at the Photo Op for Fat Boys

This summit -or photo op for Fat Boys- is a waste if we are going to simply expect Trump to go in and sit down and ‘charm’ the delegation or to use the old Harold Hill “Think Method” to try and stun them with our brilliance. Trump is a buffoon and a madman with a big stick, thanks to the 38%. The question now is how far will he go and how far will we let him go? The one thing the GOP is good at is fake outrage. And they would have had plenty of ingredients to stir them up as we keep speculating ‘what if” this was OBAMA doing these things. What if....Obama had trashed our allies!? What if....Obama had dismissed the press as fake news and an ongoing FBI investigation plus Special counsel looking into his campaign and possible obstruction of justice as a ‘witch hunt?’ What if...Obama had – and the list goes on. The answer is he wouldn’t be able to get away with it, and the next question is where is the outrage? Where are the people storming the Bastille? Why don’t the Demo...