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Showing posts from May, 2016

Don't allow the perfect to become the enemy of the Good

Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the Good - Voltaire   Words to live by for all Bernie’s supporters. In the dark, wee hours of the morning, the “crunch time” of political campaigns, we begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The light shows us even more darkness. Darkness in the form of negative campaigns from Trump and Clinton. But on the Sanders front, they have managed to stay above the fray on many of the down and dirty campaign issues of our time. The personal attacks and sordid details will all be aired in Trump World.   But the Bernie people were supposed to be different. They are purer, almost too pure for this world. And therein lies the rub. They seem to be anxious to put the sordid political wheel-ings and dealings behind them, and move on to some loftier plane of existence where their ideals may find merit.   But the perfect world that they are looking for doesn’t exist in the political spectrum. The one bit of business that ac...